Jan 29, 2022
Do you know what your customers and prospects will do after interacting with your brand without having to survey them over and over again? Are you taking control of the customer conversation? How do you make it easier for employees to deliver customer excellence?
Featured DoingCXRight® guest, Matt Dixon, co-author...
Jan 23, 2022
Customer retention doesn't happen automatically to attain company profits. You need to apply the right strategies and tactics for turning one-time purchasers into lifelong customers.
Featured guest Joey Coleman, best-selling author, and award-winning speaker explains that building customer loyalty is not about focusing...
Jan 16, 2022
In order to deliver the best customer service, you need to understand the full meaning and how to do it right.
My featured guest Jeff Toister, a best-selling author of four customer service books, and trainer of one million people, shares what elite companies do differently to gain a competitive advantage that you can...
Jan 9, 2022
Have you heard of the term "red tape"? Friction, sludge, no redeeming value are associated terms. Most think red tape pertains just to government, yet it does not and significantly impacts business success.
Stephanie Thum and I explain: