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Customer experience (CX) is a brand differentiator. By intentionally DOING CX RIGHT, you gain happy customers who continue to buy from your company and tell others. Applying CX best practices results in employee loyalty and advocacy too. Stacy Sherman, award-winning keynote speaker, author, and mentor is on a mission to inspire better human experiences so that REAL connections and satisfaction exist. It's why she's sharing her expertise as well as bringing global leaders and consumers together to provide actionable CX tips to support your success.

Jan 29, 2023

What goal-setting methodology do you use to establish clear, measurable objectives and track progress toward achieving them? Many customer-centric brands leverage OKRs and Agile processes to improve revenue, profitability, and customer loyalty. You may be wondering, what is an OKR? Why is there so much hype about Agile...

Jan 21, 2023

Regret is an intense human emotion that can be experienced when we have made a mistake or missed an opportunity. Regret often brings feelings of guilt, remorse, or shame. While regret can be unpleasant, it can also serve as a powerful motivator for change and improvement in and out of the work environment.

In this...

Jan 15, 2023

Workplace flexibility is no longer a nice benefit. It’s an expectation employees have when choosing a company to work for, stay with, and recommend. But what does flexibility really mean? Traditionally people refer to flexibility as WHERE they work, yet it's also about WHEN too. 

Stacy Sherman and Brian...

Jan 8, 2023

Stacy Sherman and Mark Schaefer, author of multiple best-selling books, discuss the revolutionary power of CX (customer experience), social media, and influence marketing. We're on the cusp of a revolution and can achieve breakthrough results by doing these right. Show topics include:

  • Definition of influencer...

Jan 1, 2023

Do you make dangerous assumptions and fall into the trap of thinking you know exactly what customers want, only to discover that your solutions are not resonating? Are people not buying or recommending enough? You can avoid this situation by applying user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) best practices,...