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Customer experience (CX) is a brand differentiator. By intentionally DOING CX RIGHT, you gain happy customers who continue to buy from your company and tell others. Applying CX best practices results in employee loyalty and advocacy too. Stacy Sherman, award-winning keynote speaker, author, and mentor is on a mission to inspire better human experiences so that REAL connections and satisfaction exist. It's why she's sharing her expertise as well as bringing global leaders and consumers together to provide actionable CX tips to support your success.

Jul 25, 2022

There’s a global productivity movement happening in our fast-paced world. Millions of people are changing their approach to apply order to chaos. They're handling life’s demands in a more organized, less stressful way. And freeing up time to better serve clients, employees, family, and friends. How are they doing...

Jul 15, 2022

Trust, credibility, and authenticity are the currencies of sales. Gone are the days of manipulative and pushy salespeople relying on charm to close deals.

Stacy Sherman and Larry Levine, author of "Selling From The Heart," challenge modern myths and explain: how to approach buyers and increase sales in a world of...

Jul 9, 2022

You've probably heard about mystery shopping as it's been a valuable market research tactic for a long time. Yet, there are new aspects to understand when designing a program and measuring what's relevant for customers and your business.

Stacy Sherman interviews Claire Boscq, UK's Top 20 Customer Service Influencer, and...