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Customer experience (CX) is a brand differentiator. By intentionally DOING CX RIGHT, you gain happy customers who continue to buy from your company and tell others. Applying CX best practices results in employee loyalty and advocacy too. Stacy Sherman, award-winning keynote speaker, author, and mentor is on a mission to inspire better human experiences so that REAL connections and satisfaction exist. It's why she's sharing her expertise as well as bringing global leaders and consumers together to provide actionable CX tips to support your success.

Feb 13, 2022

Do your customers think you're deaf? How can you really hear them to fix pain points and impact customers' decisions?  

Stacy Sherman interviews Mary Drumond, Chief Marketing Officer at Worthix, to discuss these questions. Additional topics include:

-What's the value of surveys? Are surveys the best method to understand customers’ perceptions, emotions, expectations?
-Is there such a thing as survey fatigue? How best to avoid? 
-How long or short should a survey be to maximize response rates?
-Who should be responsible in organizations to get customer feedback and take action?
-What is “closing the loop” mean to address what customers told you, and best practices?

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